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George Salvan Architectural Building 11


ARCHITECTURAL. PRACTICE &CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT THE NEWLADDER TYPE CURRICULUM GEORGE SALINDA SALVAN... fuap ASSISTANTPROFESSOR CoUege of Engineering and ArchitectureBaguioCollegesFoundation1980-1988 First and lone graduate ofB.S.Architecture,1963 North of Manila,St.Louis UniversityBaguioCity Former instructor 1965-1969 at St.LouisUniversity Recipient ofvarious ACE certificates,Architects Continl'ir Education ProgramAlicensed Architect, active practitioner and alicensedbuildingconstructor,inventor and a boardtopnotcher. Pastpresident of United Architects Phils.Baguio Chapter 1982 and1983ElectedNational Director; UAP,RegionalDistrict' for the year 1987.Conferred the title of "FELLOW" United Architects Phils. College ofFellows,October,1988 JMC PRESS,INC. 388 QuezonAvenue, Quezon CityCopyright. 1986 bv: JMC PRESS,INC .. and GEORGEs.SALVAN Allrightsreserved. No penof this book may be reproduced in a n mannerwithout permission of the publish8f. FIRST EDITION ISBN:.971-11-0353-2 Publishedand Pri ntedby: JMC PRESS,INC. 388QuezonAvenue,QuezonCity Distributed by: GOODWILL BOOKSTORE MainOffice:RizalAvenue,Manila P. 0. Box 2942,Manila PREFACE Ageneration ago, the concept of management as a component ofprofessional design prac-tice was virtually unheardof . Abuildingbegins as a conception in the mind of its architect. The conceptionmust be elaborated in his drawing office adapted to practicalconsiderations and then conveyed to a number of people who willcooperate in tha erection of the building. This bookis intended asar e f e r e n c for allmanagers of design practice,whether theybe professional architects or engineers who have assumed managementroles in their firms. or trainedmanagers who havechoeen to applytheir skills indesignfirms. It is also hopedthatit may finditswaysintotheeducationof theincreasingnumberof graduates who willbefuture architects and engineers and whoare wisely choosingto addmanagement degrees to that preparation for practice. For thestudents, this book was prepared and organized to meet the newcurriculum and the syllabus prepared by theMinistry ofEducation.Itisdivided intothreeparts.TheFirstpart dealingonall'thelaws pertainingtnmaybe registered or licensed as such for thepractice of but this section shallnotbeconstruedaspreventingsuchcombinationsofindividualpersonsfromusingthe term "Architect": Provided,That eachmember of the partnership, firm or association 10 is properlyregistered and licensed.Individual members of a partnershipareresponsi-blefor his own act. SEC. 35.Reciprocity requirements.-No person who is not a citizen of the Philippines at the time heappliesto takethe examinationshallbeallowedto take it unless hecanprove in the manner provided by the Aules of Court that , byspecific provision of law. the. country' of whichhe is a citizen,subject,or national either admits citizens of the Philippines tothe practice of the same profession without restriction or allowsthem to practice it after an examination on terms of strictandabsoluteequalitywith citizens, subjects, or nationals of thecountry concerned, including the unconditionalrecogni-tion ofdegrees issued by institutions of learning dulyrecognizedfor thepurpose by theGovernmentoftnePhilippines:Provided,thatifheisnotacitizenofthePhilip-pmes,andwasadmittedtothepractiCeotaprofessionmthePhilippinesafte1December 8.1 941, his active practice in that profession either inthe Philippines or in the state or country where he was practicinghis profession, shall not have been inter-rupted for a period oftwo years or more prior to July 4, 1946. and that the country orstate from which he comes allows the citizens of the Philippines byspecific provisions of taw,to practice the same profession withoutrestriction or on terms of strict and ab-solute equality withcitizens, subjects or nationals of the country or state concerned.SEC.36.Enforcementof theActbyoffice oftheLaw.-Itshallbethedutyofall constituted Officers of the taw of theNational Government,of anyprovincial, city ormunicipalgovernmentofanypoliticalsubdivisionthereoftoprosecuteanypersonviolatingthe provisionsof thisAct.TheSecretaryof Justiceoranyassistantduly designated by the former shall act as legalassistance as may be necessary in carrying outthe provisionsofthisAct. SEC.37.Act not affecting other professions.- This Actshall not be construed to affect orprevent the practice of anyother legally recognized profession. SEC. 38.Operationofdecisionsin judginganypart of theAct Invalid.- If anyclausesentence, paragraph or part of this shall not affect, invalidate orimpair any other part ofsaidAct,butshallinitstotheclause,sentence,phrase. paragraphorpartdirectlYanvoivedinthecontroversyinwhichsuchjudgementis rendered.SEC. 39.Atl existing provisions of provincial, city or municipalordinances or regulations pertaining to examinations forarchitects, and all other laws, part of laws,orders,or-dinances orregulations in conflict with the provisjons of this Act are herebyrepealed. SEC.40.ThisAct shalttake effect uponItsapproval.Approved,June17, 1950. - - - --- -000---- - - --Reference:OFFICiALGAZEiTE,VOL.46,NO.10 (pp.4782 -4792)-PROPOSEDPROFESSIONALREGULATORY CODE TITlEVITHEBOARDOFARCHITECTURE CHAPTER1 DEFINITIONOFTERMS,AND ADDITIONALQUALIFICATION OF APPLICANTS ART.59(a)The practice of architectureshall constitute in holding out oneself asskilledin theknowledge,art,scienceandpractice ofarchitecture,andasanarchitect;or offering, rendering, furnishing orcontracting on a fee basis or otherwise,services suchasconsulta-tionandadvice,teachingmajorarchitecturalsubjects,environmentalsiteanalysis;physicalplanning,spaceplanning,siteplanning,architecturalandstructuraldesigning,specifying, supervising, and giving general management, administration, coordination andresponsibledirectiontothedesigning,theconstruction,theerection,enlargement,oralterationsof buildingsorstructuresintendedforpublicorprivateuseorcomplexesof buil dings,useutili zationandplanningofthespacewithinandthesurroundingsuch buildingsorstructures and theirsites, andarchitecturaldesignofengineeringstructures or any part thereof;the scientific,aesthetic,and orderly coordination of all the processes of safeguarding life,health and property whi ch enter the production of a completebuilding or structure, including all its components, and itsen1irons performed in all of their phasesthroughthemediumofcomprehensivearchitecturalservices,suchastechnical,economic,andfinancialfeasibilitystudies,promotionalservices,operationalprogramming,buildingprogramming,unbiasedstudiesofplans,consultations,specificationsestimates,conferences,evaluations,investigatiofiS,contractdocuments,construction .andprojectmanagement,administrationofconstruction,oraladvise,anddirectionsregardless of whether the persons engaged in such practice areresidents of the Philippines or have their principal office orplace of business in this or another country, and regardless ofwhether such persons are performing any one or allof these duties.AnArchitect shallbeconsideredsuchinthepractice of hisprofession,ifthenatureand character of his employment whetherasanofficeroremployee in a private enterprise or.educationalinstitutioninvolvesdecision-makingrequiringprofessionalknowledgeintheart and science of architecture, and such employment or positionrequires that the holder thereof must be an architect; or if heholds or Is appointed to a position in the architecturaloccupational group in the government or in government-owned orcontrolled corporations, including those performingproprietaryfunctions,where a civil service eligibilit yasanar-chitect isaprerequisite. b}An architect is a bonafide holder of a certificateof registrati on issued by the Boardof Architecturein accordancewith this Code. The author or authors of a set of plans or specifications and other documents related to the practice ofthe.professionarethosein responsiblechargeof t heirpreparation,whether madebyt hempersonally or under their immediatesupervision. lt shalf be unlawful for any person, corporation,institution or agency to order, or cause the design, construction,reconstruction,erection,addition or alteration to any buildingunlessallarchitecturaldesigns,siteplanning,spaceplanningandarchitecturaldetailsarepreparedbyorpreparedundertheresponsiblechargeof,andsignedandsealedbyaregisteredarchitect. 11 ART. 60.Suppletory to the generalqualifications prescribed under Article1 7 of this Code, anapplicanttothelicensureexaminationsforthepracticeofarchitecturemust,unless modified ih accordance w ith this Code. have at least two yearsof diversified experience as an architectural designer, draftsman,clerk-of-work. specification writer or superintendent, dulycertified by a practicing architect and endorsedby the university,college, institute or schoolwherehe finishedhiscourseandfavorablyrecommendedby the duly accredited professionalorganization:Provided, that every year of deficiency in therequired diversified experience may be substituted by twelve unitscreditin the subject to be prescribed by the Boardintherulesandregulations. ART.61 .Anappl icantholdingaMaster's Degreeinarchitecture from a university,college, institute, or schoolrecognized by the Government or the government of the state orcoun-tryinwhichitisestablished.shallbecredited one year inhispractice experience. CHAPTER2 SCOPE OFEXAMINATIONS,ANDOWNERSHIPOFDRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS,AND THE LIKEART.62.Subject to approvalof theCommission.theBoardofArchitectureshallhavethepowertoprescribe,amend.orrevisethesubjectsinthelicensureexaminationsf ort he practiceofarchitectureandtheircorrespondingrelativeweights,andunlessmodifieGI. shall generallycover architectural design;history andtheoryof architecture; environmen talsiteanalysis;physicalplanning.architecturalengineering;structuraldesign;architec-turalpracticeandethics;andbuildingmaterialsandspecifications.utilitiessystems, methods ot constructi on,andconstruction drawings .ART.63.Drawingsandspecificationsandotherrelateddocuments,inciudinggovernment projects, duly signed,stamped or sealedas instruments of service, are the properties anddocuments of thearchitects.whether the objectforwhichtheyaretnadeis executedor not. No person shall .without the written consent ofthe architect or author of saiddocuments. reproduce or make copiesof said documents for use in the repetition of,and for otherpro-iectsOfbuildings,whether executedpartlyor in whole. TIT lEJlLICENSUREEXAMINATIONANDREGISTRATION CHAPTER4 REGISTRATIONWITHOUTEXAMINATIONS, AND TEMPORARY SPECIAL PERMIT TO PRACTICEART.30.Anyperson whoin the date oiapprova\ of this code, holdsadoctorate degreeinaccounting,agriculturalengineering,chemistry,civilengineering.criminology,nutrition and dietetics, electrical engineering,electronics and communications engineering, medicaltechnology,miningengineering.navalarchitectureandmarineengineering.nursing. pharmacy,sanitaryengineering,socialwork,orsugart echnologywithatleastfive yearstechnical experience of such character as to indi cate that heiscompet ent to practicetheprofessionconcerned;acquiredafterreceivingthedoctoratedegree,andwhol:l possessesthe qualifi cationsprescribedunder Article1 7. ofthisCode.mayuponapplica-tion filed within ono year from the dateof. approval hereof and payment of the required fee. be issuedacertificate of registration as certifiedpublicaccountant,agricultural engineer. archite.ct,chemicalenginee'r.chemist,civilengineer,criminologist,nutritionist-dietiti an,professionalelectricalengineer .electronicsandcommunicationsengineer,forester . geodeticengineer,geologist. professional mechani cal engineer.medicaltechnologist, min-ingengineer,navalarchitectandmarineengineer,registered nurse,pharmacist,sanit ary engineer. soci al.worker. or sugar technologist,respectively,without the necessity oflicen-sureexaminat ionst herefor. ART. 31.Upon approval ofapplication and payment of the required fee or fees, the followingmaybegrantedtemporaryspecialpermit topracticetheirrespectiveprofessionsinthe Philippines for such period of time as thecommission may authorize, provided, that t h e r i> noFilipinoregisteredprofessionalqualifiedforsuchrequirementatthetimethattheapplicationwasmadeorapproved.a)Foreignagriculturalengineers,architects.chemicalengineers,chemists,civil engineers.criminologists.dentists.nutritionist-dieticians,electricalengineers,elec-tronicsandcommuni cationengineer,forester,geologistsorgeologicalengineers, mechanical ,erectionorguarantee engineer's medical technologists mining engineers, navalarchitect and marine engineers. and sugar technologi sts called infor consultation ortorspecificpurposeasmayinthejudgment ofthecommissionbenecessaryand absolutely essentialforthedevelopmentof the country:Provided, that theirpracticeshallbelimitedonlytotheparti cularworkforwhichtheywereengagedbytheFilipinoregisteredprofessionals commissioned to undertake suchwork.and that they are legally qualified to practice thei r respectiveprofessions in their own state or country inwhichthe qualifications andrequirementsfor obtainingacertificateof registrationarenotlowerthanthosespecifiedinthisCode:Provided,further,thatbeforethe expirationoftheperiodgranted,renewaloftheirtemporaryspecialpermitsshallbesecured.b)Foreignprofessionalstobeengagedasprofessors,instructors,teachers,lecturers,crit ics in such fields as in t he judgment of the commission, benecessary and absolutely essentialinthe fieldofeducation:Provided,that their wor.kshallbe confinedto suchteachingonl yandtheyshallnotengageinthepracticeoftheirprofessionsintheir private capacity. c)Foreignprofessionalswho aremissionaries,andwhoshallengageinthepracticeof theirmedical,social and allied professionsfor humanitarian andcharitablepurposes in the ruralareas: Provided, that practice ofFilipinoprofessionals in said areas is not duly impairedand competed with.TITLEIll FOREIGNRECIPROCITY,PRACTICE ANDHEARINGS CHAPTER1FOREIGNRECIPROCITYART.32.UponrecommendationoftheBoardconcerned,theCommissionmay,incompliance with international commitments and considering the numberof qualified persons in the Philippines, entertain an offer by aforeigncountry or state to establish reciprocal reta-tions in thepractice of a certain profession or professions subject to thecondition that by specific J?rovisions of law, the country,state,orprovince tendering anagreement admits citizens of the Philippinesto the practice of the particular profession or professions with orwithout examinations on terms of and absolute equality with thecitizens,subjects, or na-tionals of saidcountry,state, orprovince,including the unconditional recognition of pre-requisitedegrees issuedby institution of learning duly recognizedbytheGovernment of thePhilippines:Provided,That upon recommendationoftheCommission andtheBoard concerned and upon approval of thePrime Minister, a temporary special permit to practiceaprofessionforaspecifiedoccasionandspecificperiodoftimemaybeissuedtoany foreigner,regardless oi whether or not reciprocity exists in the practice ofhis profession between hlscountryandthePhilippines,andunderconditionsasmay be determinedbythe Commission if such foreigner is internationally known to be anoutstanding expert in his chosen profession or awell-knownspecialist inany of its branches,andthathisser-viceswillpromote the advancement of the profession in thePhilippines and will not duly impair and compete with Filipinoprofessionals. CHAPTER2 CORPORATE PRACTICE ART.33.The practice of aprofession. which includes the offer to render , furnish orcontractprofessionalservices,shallbeinanindividualandpersonalcapacity.Thecommission,upon recommendationof theBoardconcerned,andaccordingto the rules itmayadopt, may grant authority to practice any of the regulatedprofessions to a corporation registen; d underthelawsofthePhilippines,Providedthatatleasteightypercentofthecapitalofwhi chisowned by citizens ot the Philippineswho are registeredprofessionals,and pro-videdfurther,thatallofficers.includingthepresidentandgeneralmanager andat leasteightvpercentofthestockholdersareregisteredprofessionalsofthesameprofessionor allied profession for whichauthority to practice is granted. The authority granted shall berenewed every year before the expiration thereof. TheCommissionshallsatisfy itself that the corporationcomplies,during .the lifeof theauthoritygranted,withthe requirements herein provided. ART.34.A corporation authorized to practice aprofession or closelyalliedprofessions can-not have anyother purpose exceptsuchpractice. The construction and the manufacturing,contractingbusiness.fabricatingandmarketing construction components systems ormaterial, shall not be deemed as allied professions to thearchitecturalandengineeringprofessions.ART.35.Corporatepracticeshallbelimitedtooneprofessiononlyexceptasmaybeauthorizedby theCommissionamongcloselyalliedprofessions.ART.36.Only a registered professional w ois a stockholder of thecorporation may perform in the name of the corporation, actsconstituting the practice of his profession as defined in thisCode.The corporation may employpersons not so registered,butsuchpersons shall not renderoroffer to renderanyprofessionalservices. ART.37.Shares -ina corporation authorized to practice aprofession may be transferred only to persons qualifedunderarticle33. Any transfer in violation of therestrictions shallbevoid.ART.38.Acorporationauthorizedtopracticeaprofessionshalladoptanameindicating14 expressly the profession inwhich such corporation is engaged.TheBoard concernedshall adopt therulesandregulationsnecessarytocarry out theprovision.ART.39.Individuals,corporations,institutions,firms,associations,entities,agenciesandother organizations who are not authorized to practice any of theprofessions may employ professionals for services allied to theirtrade or business only, or for their process opera-t ion,production or maintenance only and shall not compete With privatepractitioners;Pro-vit:.ledthattheemployershallbeliablesolidaritywiththeemployedprofessionalforthedamagesasprovidedinthecivil code of thisCode. ART. 40.Any of thefollowing shall be a ground for disapproval, or revocation of theauthority of acorporation to practice a profession:1.Whenanyofficer,includingthepresidentorgeneralmanager,aswellasmembersshall become disqualifiedperson to pract icethe profession.2.Whensuchcorporationshallviolateanyapplicablerule.regulationorcodeof ethics, adoptedbytheBoardregulating theprofession. 3.When suchcorporationshallviolate anyprovisionofthisCode. ART.41 .Inpartnerships or firms organized for thepractice of a profession or closely allied professions. allpartners or firm members must beregistered professional of the samepro-fessionorthecloselyalliedprofessionsandeachpartnerandfirmmembermay perform only thoseacts constitutingthe practice of hisprofession. MALACANANG MANILA PRESIDENTIAL DECREENO.223 ASAMENDEDBYPRESIDENTIALDECREENO.6 57CREATINGTHEPROFESSIONALREGULATION COMMISSIONANDPRESCRIBINGITSPOWERS AND FUNCTIONS. WHEREAS, the regulations for the variousprofessions presently regulated by the Office of the Boards ofExaminers is so extensive, practically covering all social andeconomic life of the country; WHEREAS,the existence of the BoardofExaminers is misconstrued for a number of years nowasnothingmorethananexaminingunit,thoughalltheprofessionallawscreatingthevariousBoardshavechargedthemwiththesupervisionandregulationqvertheprofes-sionalpractice in the Philippines;and.WHEREAS,toeffectively,enforcethelawsregulatingthevariousprofessions,thereisanurgentneedtocreatea three-manCommission to administer ,implement,coordinateand supervise the variousBoardsof Examiners;NOW,THEREFORE,IFERDINANDE.MARCOS,PresidentofthePhilippinesbyvirtueofthe powers v e s e din me by the Constitution andCommander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines, andpursuant to Proclamation No. 1081, dated September 21, 1972, asamended,do hereby orderanddecree: 15SECTION1.ProfessionalRegulationCommission.-Thereisherebycreatedathree-man Commission to beknownastheProfessionalRegulationCommission which shallbe at-tachedto the Office of the President for general directionandcoordination. SEC. 2.Compositjon. - The Commission shall beheaded by one full-time Commissioner and two-full-time AssociateCommissioners, all to be appointed by the President for a term ofnine 9) years without reappointment to start from the time theyassume office! except the first two Associate Commissioners whoshallbeappointed,one for six(6)yearsandthe other for three3)years,and thereafter, any vacancy in the Commission shall befiledfor the unexpired term only with the most senior of theAssociate Commissioners succeeding the Commissioner at expirationof his term, resignation or removal. No person shall be ap-pointedchairmanor member of the Commissionunlesshe is at least forty 140)yearsof age,familiarwiththeprinciplesandmethodsofprofessionalregulation and/or licensing and has at least five(6)yearsof executive or managementexperience. SEC.3.ExerciseofpowersandfunctionsoftheCommission.- TheCommissioner,who shall bethe Chairman of the Commission,and the Associate Commissioners asmembers thereofshall,asabody,exercisegeneraladministrative,executiveandpolicy-makingfunctions for thewhole agency. SEC.4.Compensation.- TheCommissionershall receivean annual compensation of forty-eight thousand pesos(fl48,0001 with five hundred pesos (P'600)commutabletransporta-tion and representation allowances and the AssociateCommissioners, thirty-six thousand pesos (P36,000) each with threehundred and fifty pesos (11360) commutable transporta-tion andrepresentation allowances. SEC.5.Powers of the Commission:- Thepowers of the Commissionareas follows: 16 a)To administer,implementand enforce the regulatory policies of the National Govern-mentwith respectto the regulationandlicensing of the variousprofessionsandoc-cupations under its jurisdiction including themaintenance or professional and occupa-tionalstandardsandethicsandthe enforcement of therulesandregulations relativethereto. bTo perform any and atr acts, enter into contracts, makesuch rules and regulations andissuesuchordersandotheradministrativeissuancesusmaybenecessaryintheexecution and implementationof itsfunctionsandtheimprovement of itsservices.clToreview,coordinate,integrateandappr.ovethepolicies,resolutions,rulesandregulations, order or decisions promulgated by the various Boardswith respectto the professionoroccupationunder their jurisdictionsincluding theresults of theirlicen-sures examinations but theirdecisions onadministrative casesshallbefinaland ex-ecutoryunlessappealedto theCommissionwithinthirty(30)daysfromthedateofpromulgation thereof; d)To administer and conduct the licensureexaminations of the various Boards according to the rules andregulations promulgated by it; determine and fix the places anddates of examinations; appoint supervisors and room examiners fromamong the employees of the Government or private individuals whohave been trained by the Commission for the purpose who shall beentitled to a daily allowance of not less than ten pesos (P'1 0)for every examination day actually attended;use the buildingsandfacilitiesof public and private schools for examinationpurposes; and approve the release of examination results;e)Tokeepandmaintainaregisterof theauthorizedpractitionersof theprofessionor occupation; issue certificates ofregistrationorlicenses signed by all the members of the Boardconcerned and the Commissioner with the official seal of theBoardaffixed; f)To have custody of alltherecordsof the variousBoards includingtheirexamination papers, minutes of deliberation,records of edmil'listrative cases and investigations andexaminationresults; g)To determine,fix and collectthe amount to bechargedfor examination, registration, registration withoutexamination, licenses, annual registration fees, certifications,sur-chargesandother fees not specifiedunder the provisions ofRepublicAct No.6511oramendtheratesprovidedthereundersubjecttoapprovalbytheOfficeofthePresident; h)To appoint, subject to the provisions of existinglaws, such officials and employees oftheCommissionasarenecessaryintheeffective performances of itsfunctionand responsibilities,prescribe 'their dutiesandfix theircompensation;and to organize or reorganizethe sttutture oftheCommission,createor abolishpositions,change the designations ofexisting position to meet changing conditions or as the needtherefor arises:Provided,That suchchangesshallnotaffecttheemploymentstatusof the incumbents,reducetheirranksand/or.salariesforresult inseparatingthemfrom the services; HTo submit andrecommend to the President of the Philippine nominees forappointmentasmembersofthevariousSoardfromamongthosenominatedbythebonafide .professlo.nalorganizationsaccreditedbytheCommissiont-otillexistingor probable . vacancies; j)The Commission may, uponthe recommeCtdation of the Soard concerned, approve theregistration of and authorize the issuance of a certificate ofregistration with or without examination to a foreigner who isregistered under the laws of his country: Provided. That therequirementsfor the registration or licensing in saidforeignstateor countryaresubstantiallythesarpeasthoserequiredandcontemplatedbythe lawsofthe Philippines and that the laws of such foreign state or countryallowthe citizens of the Philippinesto practice the profession onthe same basisandgrant the same privileges as the subjects orcitizens of such foreignstate or country:Provided,finally,That theapplicant shail submit co'mpetent and conclusive documentaryevidence, confirmed by theDepartmentofForeignAffairs,showingthathiscountry'sexistinglawspermit 6f the Philippines to practice theprofession under the rules and regulationsgoverningcitizensthereof.TheCommissionisalsoherebyauthorizedtoprescribeae!ditional requirements or grant certain privileges to foreignersseeking registration in thePhilippinesifthesameprivilegesaregrantedto orsameadditionai requirementsarerequiredofcitizensofthePhilippinesinacquiringthesamecertificatesinhiscountry:(As amendedby PO657)k)TheCqmmissionshallhavegeneralsupervisionoverforeignnationalswhoareauthorizedbyexistinglaws orgrantedspecialpermitstopractisetheirprofessions temporarily in the Philippines to seethat the terms and conditions for their employment arestrictlyobserved andadhered' to; 11To prescribe or revise, in conjunctionwith theBoardconcernedandtheSecretary of Education and Cu)ture orhis authorized representative, collegiatd courses the comple-tionotor graduation from which shall be a prerequisite for admissioninto the practice of the professions concerned; m)Toexercisegeneralsupervision over the members of the-variousBoards;n)Topromulgatesuchrulesandregulationsasmaybenecessaryto effectivelyimple-ment policies with respect to the regulationand practice ofthe professions; o)To perform such other functions and duties asmay be necessary to carry out effective-ly the various provisionsof professional regulatory laws, decrees or orders. 17SEC.8Powera,functionsnd reaponslbllldelof vioua Boara lbdretainthefoHowlng powers. functions end responsibilities: a)To loOkfrom t ime to t ime into the conditions affecting the practice ofthe profession or occupationunder their respective jurisdictionsandwhenever necessary,adoptsuch measures may bedeemedpropertor the enhancement of the profession or occupa-tionand/or the maintenance of high professional. ethical and technicalstandards andforthispurposethemembersofaBoardmaypersonallyorthroughsubordinateemployeesoftheCommissionconductocularinspectionorvisitindustrial ,mechanical.eJectricalorchemicalplantsorworks.hospitals,clinicsandothere n g i n e r i n gworks where registered practitioners of theprofession oroccupation are employed or are working for the purposeof determining compliance with the profes-sionoroccupation .or asan aid informulating policies relative t hereto i naccordance withthe established policies,promulgated by the Commission; blToinvestigate violationsof their respectivelaws andtherulesandregulationspro--mulgated thereunder and for this purposemay issue summons, subpoena duces tecum toallegedviolatorsorwitnessesthereofandcompeltheirattendancetosuchin vestigations or hearings; c)To ct,elegate the hearing orinvestigation of administrative casesfiled before t hem ex cept incases where the issue involved strictly concerns the practice ofthe profession or occupation, in which case t hehearingshall bepresided by at least one member of the Board concernec'assisted byalegal or hearing officer of the Commission; d)To promulgate decisions on such administrative cases subject to review by theCom-mission. If after thirty(30)days fromthe receipt of suchdecision no appealis t akentherefromtotheCommission,thesameshallbecomef inalandimmediatelyenforceable; e)Subject to review by the Commission, to approveregistration without examination and the issuance of thecorresponding certificat es of registration; f)After due process,to suspend revoke or reissue certificates of registration of causesprovided forby law or by therules and regulations promulgatedthereafter: g)To determine andpreparethe contents of licensureexamlnat\ons;. score and rate the examination papers and submit theresults thereof to the Commission within one hun dred twenty ( 120)days after the last examination day unless extended by theCom-mission; and subject to approval by the Commission, determinethe appropriate pass ing general rating if not provided for in thelaw regulating the profession. SEC. 7.Names of various Boards. -The names of the var\ous Board,_ shaU be changed by theCommissionby deletingthe word ''Examiners''. SEC.8.Tnnafer ofpersonnel,fundi, records, etc. -The present office of the Boards ofEx-aminers,its personnel,funds,records, supplies,equipment,materials,furnitureandfix-turesarehereby transferred tothe Commission. SEC. 9.RepeaBng Qausa.-The provisions of RepublicAct No.546 are hereby repealed as well as those of other pertinentlaws inconsistent herewith. SEC.10.Effactfvfty.- ThisDecreeshalltakeeffect in:tmediately. Done in the City of Manila,this 22nd day of June in the year of Our lord, nine\een hundred andseventy-three. 18 By the President: ALEJANDROMELCHOR .ExecutiveSecretary MALACANANG Manila FERDINANDE.MARCOS PresidentRepublicof the Philippines LETTEROF INSTRUCTION NO.1 000TOTHEPROFESSIONALREGULATIONCOMMISSION,THEMINISTRYOFHUMANSET-TLEMENTS,THEMINISTRYOFFOREIGNAFFAIRS,THEMINISTRYOFPUBLICHIGHWAYS.THEMINISTRYOFTRANSPORTATIONANDCOMMUNICATIONS,THE MINISTRYOFTOURISM,AND ALL GOVERNMENT AGENCIESCONCERNED WHEREAS, P.O.223created the Prof essional Regulation Commission charged with thesuper-vision andregulation over the professionalpractice in thePhilippines;WHEREAS,insupportofP.O.223anditsimplernentinqrulesandregulations,thevariou5professionalorganizationshavevoluntarilyintegratedthemselves,oneforeachprofession,andsubsequentlyaccreditedby theProfessionalRegulationCommission; WHEREAS,integratedprofessionalorganization arenecessary for the upliftment of thestand-ards of the profession through their self-regulation anddisCiplinefor better service to the Filipino people;WHEREAS.thePACaccreditedbonafideprofessionalorganizationscontributeanimportantroleinpromotingandmaintaininghighprofessional,ethical,andtechnicalstandardsamong its members through their continuing education activities,thereby elevating them to a higher level of competence;proficiency, integrity and social commitments; WHEREAS,thePRCaccredited bonafide professional organizations which trulyrepresent the professionalsin our country,have proven theircapabilities,competence andsocialcon-sciousness by collaboratingwith government agencies in the pursuit of national goals, andthrough t he several national, regional and internationalconferences which they have spon-sored organized,or attended. NOW,THEREFORE, I,FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President and Prime Minister ofthe Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the power vest ed inme by the Constitution do hereby order anddirect theProfessionalRegulationCommission,the of HumanSettlements,theMinistryofForeignAffairs,theMinistryofEducationandCulture,theMinistryofPublicHighways,theMinistry of PublicWorks,theMinisterofTourism,theMinistryof Transportation and Communicationsandallgovernment agencies concerned to authorize andsupportonlyPRCaccreditedbonafide professional organizations,andtheirmembers to organize, host sponsor or represent the Filipinoprofessionals in national, regional andin-ternationalforums,conferences,conventionswheretheconcerned arein19 volved. AND 1 FURTHER ORDERAND DIRECT that all governmentagenciesand any of its instrumentalitiesshallgivepriority tomembersof theaccreditedprofessionalorganiza-tions in the hiring ofits employeesandinthe engagement of professionalservices. Thisletter of Instruction shall take effect immediately. Done in theCity of Manila, the 20th of March in the Year of the Lord,NineteenHundred andEighty. tSGO)FERD\NAND E. MARCOS PresidentandPrime-Minister of the Philippines Republic of the Philippin.esPROFESSIONAL REGULATIONCOMMISSION Manila BOARD OF ARCHITECTUREBoardResolutionNo . .1 0 Series of 1 9 84TheBoard,initsmeetingheldtoday.hadforconsiderationtheadoptionofrulesandregulationsrelatingto preparing,signingandsealingofplans,drawings,specificationsand other documents registered byarchitects pursuant to Sec.25 of RA545',in orderthat such rules arein full accord with all the provisions of RA 545, and in conformitywith the Title Block inthe Standard F.ormfor Building Plans asprescribed under the implementing rules and regula-tions of theNationalBuilding C').de (PO10) andArt.1723 of the RevisedCivilCode. Pursuant further to Sec. 25 (3) of RA 545 which provides,"and it shall be unlawful for any person, except the architect in h a r g e ,to sign for any branch of the work, or any function orarchitecturalpractice,notactuallyperformedbyhim.Thearchitectinchargeshallbefullyresponsible for all plans, specjfications and other documentsissued under his seal or authorized signature", the Board ofArchitecture, in the exercise of the power vested in it by RA545and PO223,resolved,as it hereby resolves,to adopt the followi ngrules: 201.Thearchitectinchargeisthearchitectofthebuildingorstructure.Theauthorofits plans, specifications and other documents and coordinator ofallthe processes or branches of the work which lnter into thyproduction of the complete building or struc-tureperformedthroughthemediumor bymeansofplans,specifications,contractdocuments,advice,andothers..(Sec.14c. RA545) 2.No person can signthe plans and specifications for any branch of the work notactually performed by such person. 3 .An engineer or design.professional may beengaged by the architect in charge to per-form abranch of the work or process relating to the building designed bythe architect. Suchbranchof thework or processmust actuallybeperformedby the engineeror design professional who shall be fullyresponsible for all plans, specifications and other documents forsuch branch of work or process actually performed by him.4.TheTitleBlockonallplansanddrawi.ngsprepared,signedandsealedbyarchitects shallconform toanyof the sample models of TitleBlocks,with notes thereon,hereto attached, made integral parts ofthis Resolution and marked as Annexes "A" and"B".TheTitleBlocksshallbeusedfor:(a)SchematicDesigndrawingsandstudies;(b)DesignDevelopmentDocuments;and(c)ContractDocumentswhichconsistof Construction Drawings and Specificationsthat set forth in detail the work required forarchitectural,structural,electrical,plumbing/sanitary,mechanical6lndotherservice-connectedequipment. 5.Violation of any of these rules shallbe sufficient cause for suspension or revocation of the architect'scertificate of registration. Violation of these rules shaltlikewise be punishable by a fine of not less than five hundredpesos 5 0 0 . 0 0 )nor more than one thousandpesos(11'1,000.00)or by imprisonment of not less than three (3) months nor more thanone ( 1) year, or both in the discretion of the Court. ThisResolution shaft take effect immediately uponapproval by theCommissionandafter fifteen( '\ 5) days iol\ow\ng its publication inthe Ofiicial Gazette. Done in the City of Manila this 27th day ofMarch,1984. ISGD) CESAR V.CANCHELA Chairman !SGD)JULIOD. MATIASMember ISGO) JUANA.MARAVILLAS,JR. ATTESTED: (SGD)SALUD M. SAHAGUNSecretary Member Approved and promulgated as part of the rules andregulations governing the practjces of architecture this21th day ofSeptember,1 9 84. (SGO)ERICC. NUBLA Commissioner (SGD)NUMERIANOTANOPO, JR.(SGO)DOMICJANO C.NATIVIDAD Associate CommissionerAssociate Commissioner Publishedinthe Official GazetteVol.80,No.42 p.5479, 10-15-1984 Issue 21 ., Republicof thePhilippines PROFESSIONAL REGULATIONCOMMISSION Manila BOARD OFARCHITECTURE BoardReso\ution No.24 Seriesof1 9 84WHEREAS,inResolutionNo.108 datedSeptember7,1977,theUnitedArchitectsof thePhilippinespetitionedtheProfessionalRegulationCommissionerandtheBoardofAr-chitectureto approve the"GeneralConditions",UAP Document No.301 asa standarddocument for useby practicing architects in the Philippines;WHEREAS,the"GeneralConditions",UAPDocumentNo.301, whose provisionsestablishtherelationshipamongtheowner,theArchitectandtheContractorandstipulatethenorms by which the contractor shall perform his work are inconsonance with the present trendofarchitecturalpractice inthePhilippines: WHEREAS, the "General Conditions", UAP DocumentNo.301. was approved and adopted by the Board of Architecture andthe Professional Regulation Commission in Board Resolution No.15datedNovember15,1977, asone of the official documents which thepracti cing architect may use in the discharge of his duties;WHEREAS,theUAPnowproposescertainrevisionsintheaid"GeneralConditions",UAPDocument No.301, as follows: "Art.3,Paragraph3.03,Sub-Paragrapha."Should a conflict occur betweenDraw-ings,or aconflictbetweenSpecifications,or betweenSpecificationsandDrawings,theContractor shall be deemed to have estimated a more expensive wayof doing work unless he shall have askedfor and obtained adecision, in writingfromthe Architectbefore sub-mission ofproposals as to which method or materials will be required.If,after award, the less expensive work is done, the Contractor shallcredit the Owner anamount equivalent to the difference between themore expensive andthe less expensivework." "Art22.04ARCHI,TECTS'ACTIONONAREQUESTFOR PAYMENT:Within fifteen daysafter receiptof anyRequestforPayment by theContractor,the Architectshall either issue a Certificate of Payment or withhold theRequestfor Payment.WhentheArchitect decidestowithholdtheRequestforPayment,heshallinform the contractorinwritingthe reasonsforwithholdingit.IFTHECONTRACTORANDARCHITECTCANNOTAGREEONAREVISEDAMOUNT, THE ARCHITECl' WILL ISSUE A CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT FORTHE AMOUNT FORWHICHHEISABLETOMAKEREPRESENTATIONTOTHEOWNER." Art. 27. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO SUSPEND WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT: If theContractoris compelledto suspendworkduetohardshipsordifficultiesunderb,c,andd above.then the contractsumshallbe increased by the amount of the contractor's reasonablecosts of shut-down, delay and start up, which shall be effected byappropriate change order." WHEREAS. the Bort rdofArchitecture,after receiving said revisions, find them in order to main-tainthehighleve1 of professionalism in theimplementation of infrastructureprojects; NOW.THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,ASITISHEREBYRESOLVED,thattheabove-stated revisions in the "General Conditions", UAP DocumentNo.301, are hereby approved and adopted: 22 RESOLVED FINALLY, thatthe above take effect upon approval by the Commission and fifteen (1 5) days following its publication in the OfficialGazette.DoneintheCity of Manilathis7th dayof November,.984. (SGD.) CESARV.CANCHELA Chairman (SGO.)JULIO 0. MATIAS Member (SGD.)JUAN A.MARAVILLAS,JR. ATTESTED: (SGD.)SALUD M. SAHAGUN Secretary MemberApprovedandpromulgatedaspartoftherulesandregulationsgoverningthepracticeofarchitecture in the Philippines this26th dayof November1984.(SGO.)NUMERIANO T ANOPO,JR. Associate Commissioner(SGD.lOOMtClANOC.NATIVIDAD Associate Commissioner PublishedintheOfficialGazette Vol.80, No.52 pp.2145-46 Dec.24,1984 IssueRepublicof the Philippines PROFESSIONAL REGULATIONCOMMISSION ManilaBOARD OF ARCHITECTURE ResolutionNo.2 Seriesof1984WHEREAS,theBoardofArchitecture,ProfessionalRegulationCommission,andtheUnitedArchitects of the Philippines (UAP)have long realizedthe need ofadopting a moreeffec-tive.systematicandefficientregulationorprocedureofrecordingthediversifiedexperienceofanapplicantforliC\'nsureexaminationrequiredunderSection18(d)RA 545, but whichis gearedalongcurent prb. ticesinthearchitecturalprofession; WHEREAS, the UAP in its ResolutionNo.18 dated July 14, 1982, submitted for the considera-t ion of theBoard of Architecture,a draft of the proposed text of the LOGBOOK(Specific . Record)OFDIVERSIFIEDEXPERIENCEINARCHITECTURE; WHEREAS,a revised copy of the rest of the logbook incorporating provisions-from the Code of 23 Ethics and recent regulations, together withstandard forms, was resubmitted to the Board ofArchitecture on July.1 0,1983, for its action; WHEREAS,the Board of Architecture, afterthorough review and instituting necessary amend-ments thereto,finds the logbook and standard forms, which are hereto attached andmade integralpartsof this resolution, to be satisfactory and incompliance with the provisions of RA 545 and other pertinent rulesand regulations governing the practice of architecture; in order toachievehigh standards in the profession through aproper diversifiedtraining program; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested uponit by Sec. 2and 8or RA 545 and Sec.6(a)ofPO223,theBoardofArchitectureherebyadopts theattachedLOGBOOKOFDIVERSIFIEDEXPERIENCEinarchitecture,UAP Doc.210,asarequirementgoverning admission to licensure examination forarchitects, for the immediate compliance by all con-cerned,non-compliance or violation of which shall be ground foradministrative penalties Ot'disqualification from licensureexamination,as the case may be;BEITRESOLVED,as\t\sherebyfesolved,thatallapplicantsforthearchitectlicensureexamination beginning July 1986 shall be required to submit theLogSheets of Diversified Training to theBoard of Architecture as aprerequisite for admission to the exa.mination; RESOLVED FURTHER,that all architects in the Philippines are hereby required, underthe provi-sions of UAP Doc.21 0to mentor and give practicaltrainingandexperienceor serveas adviser to at least one ( 1)trainee-aspirant to the profession, for a minimum period of four(4months orsixhundredandforty(640)hoursforeveryyear.asarequisiteforthe renewal of certificate ofregistration, provided that each four-month period is credited forone(1) year;RESOLVEDFINALLY,thatthisresolution,togetherwiththeattachedLOGBOOKOFOIVER-SfFtEOEXPERIENCEINARCHITECTURE.UAPDoc.21 0, consisting of text and standard forms, shall take effectfifteen( 15) days following its publication intheOfficialGazette.Done in the City of Manila this20th day' of February,1984. (SGDJCESAR v: CANCHELA Chairman (SGD.)JULIO D.MATIAS Member ISGO.) JUANA. MAAAVILLAS, JR. Member ATTESTED: (SGD.)SALUD M. SAHAGUN ActingSecretary Approvedaspartof therulesandregulationsgoverningthepracticeof architectureinthe Philippines this26th day ofM6rch.1984.24 (SGD.)ERICC.NUBLA Commissioner ISGO.) NUMERIANOTANOPO,JR.(SGD.)OOMICIANOC. NATIVIDAD AssociateCommissionerAssociate Commissioner Published in the OfficialGazette,Vol.80,No.14 pp;2145 2146,4-2-84issue. Republicof thePROFESSIONAL REGULATIONCOMMISSION Manila BOARD OF ARCHITECTUREBoardResolutionNo.2 Seriesof 1983 The Board, in its meeting heldtoday, had for consideration the requirement by law Sec. 2, RA545andSec . 6a,PD2231foranarchitect to maintain highprofessional andethical con duct because his duties and grave responsibilitiestothe public be properly dischargedunless his motives,conduct,senseofmoral values and ability aresuch as to command respect andconfidence,not of his colleagues in the profession but the generalpublic as well . Theprohibitionofthefollowingactsaredesignedtoraisethestandardsofpersonal behavior or the architect to .follow a setof moral principles and values that will project to the public thatan architect is a total professional who,aside from beingtechnically competent, isethical,virtuous,respectable,honest,righteous.andnoble intheconduct of his professional andsociallife. Toassurethepublicofthemaintenance of high,professionaland ethicalconduct of thearchitect, the Board,in the exercise of the powers vestedin itbySection2and8of RA545 and Section 6a of PO223, resolved, as ithereby resolves,to take cognizance of the following acts andpractices as unprofessional or dishonorable conduct andconstituting sufficient causeforthereprimand,non-renewal,suspensionor revocationofthecertificateof registrationof anarchitect that,to wit:1.Committinganyac;twhichisdisgraceful,shameful,degrading,repulsivetogoodmorals, disgusting,depraved,basedand/orof inferiorquality;2.Addictiontoalcoholicbeveragesand/orimproperscandalousbehaviorarisingfromdrunkenness or under the influence of liquor or drugs; 3Making,abetting, directly or indirectly, false or misleading pressreleases or misleading press releasesor advertisements, oradvertising of services tna mercantile 4.Sowingabettingorspreadingrumors or intrigues,whether factual or not that tend todiscredit, destroy. and cast aspersion on the character and honorof afellow drchitect, the accredited professional association, orthe profession itself; 5.Committingprohibitedacts andpracticesrelativeto election for anyelective office in his professionalassociation, whether committed by a candidate for any electiveoffice or by any other member whobenefits from such act, directlyor indirectly, in any form or manner, by himself or thruanotherGiver and recipient shall be liable. These actsareasfollows: a.Payment of the dues or other indebtedness of anymember;b.Givingoffood,drink,entertainment,transportationoranyarticleofvalueor any similar consideration to any person; 25 c.Makingpromise or causing anexpenditure to be made or offer orpromisetoany person when used for the purpose of inducing or influencing amember to withhold his vote or to vote or against acandidate;d.Personaladvertisement and press release . 6.Aiding or acting as adummy of a person, firm. company or corporation not authorized topractice architecture in the Philippines. 7.Failure to attendPRCauthorized seminars or conti nuing education programs designedto upgrade hi s competence and ethical standard as architect;8.Violationof any provision of officialUAPDocumentssuchasConstitutionandBy-Laws.UAP Doc.1 03; Election CodeUAP Doc.1 04; Uniform Chapter By-Laws, UAP Doc.1 05; and PolicyManual, UAP1 06; all forming part of accreditation documents of UAPwhichareonfilewith approvedandconsideredbyPRCto beinforceand effectasthe rulesgoverning the conduct of architeets; 9.Failure to complywith any of his duties and obligations asmember in good standing ofthe accredited professional association; 10.Violation of anyprovision of the National Codefor Architects including theCode Conduct,UAPDoc.200, and Standards ofProfessionalPractice,UAP Doc . 201-208,inclusive;11.Non-involvementornon-participationinanyprofessionalassociation,community,civic andgovernment activities forcommunity and nationaldevelopment.Thisresolutionshalltakeeffectafterfifteen(15)daysfollowingitspub!icationintheOfficial Gazette. Done in the City of Manila this 6th day ofJanuary1983. (SGD.)CESARV. CANCHELA Chairman (SGD.)JULIOD.MATIASMember (SGD.) JUAN A. MARAVILLAS,JR. ATTESTED: (SGD.)JULIANG.BALLARAN Secretary APPROVED: (SGD.) ERICC.NUBLA CommissionerMember COMMENTARIES ON THESUBJECT OF:ISSUANCE,REISSUANCE,RENEWAL,SUSPENSIONANDREVOCATIONOFCERTIFICATESOFREGISTRATION OFARCHITECTS OnSec.27 RA545OnSec.28 RA545 byCESARV.CANCHELA,FUAP ChairmanBoard of ArchitectureProfessional RegulationCommission March6, 1984 The Board ofArchitecture shall refuse to issue or renew a certliicate ofregistra tionto the followingpersons: 1 .convictedof anycriminaloffense involvingmoralturpitude. 2.guilty of immoralordishonorable conduct 3.of unsoundmind The Board has the power, uponnotice and hearing, to suspend or revoke any cer tificate ofregistration of an architect for the following causes:1.Convictionofanycriminaloffenseinvolvingmoralturpitude,immoralanddishonorableconduct,andunsoundmind. 2.Useof perpetrationofanyfraudordeceit ino b t i n i n gcertificate of registra tion.3.grossnegligency 4.incompetency 5.Unprofessional or dishonorableconduct if. he: a)signed and sealed plans, specifications and otherdocuments not prepared by himor under hisimmediate supervision.b)haspaidmoney,except regularfees,to secure certificate ofregistration. c)falselyimpersonatedanotherpractitioner otherthanhimself. d)has aided or abetted practice of architecture bypersons not authorized. or by beingadummy orsuchpersonsforsaidpurpose.6.SuchotheractsandpracticeswhichtheBoardmaymotupropiotakecognizance of by properresolution or order,asconstitutingsufficientcause for suspension or revocation of certificate of registration.a(Note: Res. No. 2 of 1983, taking cognizance of certain acts andpractices asunprofessional or dishonorable conduct and constitutesufficient cause for reprimand, non-renewal, suspension orrevocation of the certificate of registration of anarchitect).Theresolution has been promulgated as part of theRulesandRegulations governing the practice of architecture.OnSec.61.The Board ofArchitecturehas the power andresponsibility,after due process. PD223to suspend revoke or reissuecertificate of registration for causes provided for by law or bythe rulesand regulations promulgated therefor. 27 Republic of thePhilippines PROFESSIONAL REGULATIONCOMMISSION Manila BOARDOFARCHITECTURE BoardResolutionNo.9 Seriesof 1982 TheBoard, in itsmeeting heldtoday, had for consideration the current professionalprac-tices. services and activities of the architect, here andabroad, which the Board considered and acceptedasfunctionsofarchitecturalpracticesince theseacts constitute the scientific andorderly coordination of all processes which enter into theproduction of a complete building or "structure" asprovidedinSection14 (c)of Republ ic ct. No.545. For the maintenanceof high ethical and technical standards in the practice ofarchitecture in the Philippines, the Board of Architecture, in theexercise of the powers vested in it by Sec-tions2 and 8 ofAct No.545, hereby declares, as it is hereby declared that the follow-ingacts constitute the scientific and orderly coordination of allprocesses which enter into theproductionofacompletebuildingorstructureandarewithin thescopeofthepracticeof architecture. The act of physical and land useplanning; site planning; site selection, analysis and utilization;sitedevelopmentplanning;landscaping;subdivisionplanning;housingdesign;urbanplanninganddesign;townandcityplanning;environmentalsiteanalysisanddesign;com-munityarchitecturedesign;spaceprogrammingandplanning;architectural detailing;interior detailing andfurnishing; designing architectural interiors; architecturalprogramming;construc-tionmanagement;projectmanagement;worksupervision;estimating;constructionad.. ministration; architectural lighting; architectural acoustics;mechanical. electrical,sanitary and utilities systems and equipmentplanning; teaching major architectural subjects, preparing pro-iectfeasibility, financing, programming and promotional studies, andbuilding maintenance and administration.Thisresolutionshalltakeeffectafterfifteen(15)daysfollowingitspublicationinthe Official Gazette. Done in theCity of Manila,this22nd day of February,1982. (SGD.l CESARV.CANCHELA Chairman (SGO.IJULIOB.MATIAS Member. tSGD.) JUAN A.MARAVILLAS,JR. ATTESTED: (SGO.)JULIAN G.BALLARAN Secretary MemberAPPROVED:as part of the Rules and Regulations governing thepractice of architecture, this 24th day of February,1982. 28(SGO.)ERICC.NUBLA Commissioner (SGD.lNUMERIANO TANOPO, JR.Associate Commissioner (SGD.)DOMICIANO C.NATIVIDAD AssociateCommissioner Republicofthe Philippines PROFESSIONALREGULATIONCOMMISSION Manila BOARD OF ARCHITECTUREBoardResolutionNo.5 Seriesof1982 The Board in the meeting heldtoday. hadfor consideration the unnecessary and deceptiveinformation on the title block of architecturalplans. Ithasbeennoted by theBoard of Architecture, that a.sprevalentpractice,thenames ofcorporations,firmsornon-registeredpersons,whoareneitherprojectownersnor architect/authors appear in the title block ofarchitectural plans, specifications, correspondence or .otherinstruments of service of the architect, such practice and deviceswhich tend to con-vey to the general public, the. impression thatsuch corporation, firm or non-registered person practice oroffersto practicearchitectureor anypersons.Furthermore,thiscom-monbranchof functionthereof,isinviolationofthearchitecturelaw,A.A.545,whichpro-hibitsthepracticeofarchitecturebycorporationsandnon-registered persons.Furthermore,this common practice is not in accordance with the Standard Formfor Plans as regulated by the implementingrulesandregulations ofP.O.1096, otherwiseknownastheNationalBuilding Code. Toprotect thepublic from such misleading,unnecessary anddeceptiveinformation,and so that the law may not be circumvented, for themaintenance of good ethics and standards in the practice ofarchitecture in the Philippines, the Board of Architecture, in theexercise of the powers vested in it by Sec.2 and B of R A. 545,hereby resolved as it hereby resolves, to pro-mulgateandadopt thefollowingregulationasa supplement totheexistingrulesandregula-tions of theBoardimplementing theprovisions ofA.A.545: Itshallbeunlawful to placethe namesofcorporations.firms or non-registered per sons,exceptasprojectowners.inthetitleblock ofarchitecturalplans,specifications, correspondence or instruments ofservice of the architect. All plans, specifications,correspondence, reports and other instruments of service of thearchitect shall indicate only the name of the architect, orarchitects in group practice, whoprepared,signed,sealedandisresponsibletor said documentsof projectsowner, shall appearthereon. The t itle block forarchitectural plans shall conformstrictly to the Standard Formplans,asrequiredunder theregulationofP.O.1096.(NationalBuildingCode). Violationof this regulation by anyperson,natural or judicial.shallbepunishable by a fine of not lessthanfive hundred pesos nor more thanonethousandpesos orimprison-ment of not less than six months nor more than one year,orboth, in the discretion of the Court, without prejudice to anyadministrative action in accordance with Section 8 of R.A. 545.rhis regulation shall take effect after its approval by theProfessional Regulation Com-mission fifteen( 1 5) days followingits publication in the OfficialGazette. Done in the City of Manila,this 29th day of January,1982. (SGD.)CESARV.CANCHELA Chairman 29!SGD.l JULIO D.MATIAS Member !SGD.)JUAN A.MARAVILLAS,JR. MemberATTESTED: (SGD.)JULIANG.BALLARAN Secretary APPROVED: as part oftheRules andRegulationsgoverningthe practice of architecture,this8th day of February,1982. \SGD.)ERICC.NUBLA Commissioner ISGO.)NUMERIANO T ANOPO,JR. (SGD.)OOMICIANO C.NATIVIDAD AssociateCommissioner AssociateCommissioner COMMENTARIES ONART.1 723 OF THEREVISEDCIVILCODE REGARDINGARCHITECTSOR ENGINEERSLIABILITYFORDAMAGES January13,1984 ByCESARV. CANCHELA,FUAP Chairman.Board ofArchitecture ProfessionalRegulationCommission "ARTICLE1 723" Theengineer orarchitectwhodrew andauthoredspecifications for abuildings is liable for damages within f ifteen years from thecompletion of the structure, if the sameshouldcollapsebyreasonof adefect inthoseplansandspecifications,orduetothe defects in theground. The contractor is likewise responsible for the damages ifthe edifice falls, within the same period, on account of defects inthe construction or use of materials of inferior quality furnishedby him, or due to any violation of the terms of the contract. Ifthe engineer or architect supervises the construction, heshallbesol idarityliablewith thecontractor. Acceptance of thebuilding after complet ion, does not imply waiver of any cause ofaction by reasonof any defectmentionedinthe precedingparagraph. 30Theaction must be brought within10years following the collapseofthe building." Fromthe abovel aw, the followingimplicationsareclear: 1.Art.1723 conforms to andreaffirmRA545,particularly Sec.25 andSec.1 4 c l . 2.The collapseof abuildingis attributable to defective structuralplansandspecifica tlons.defectiveconstruction,orimpropersupervisionotconstruction.Defectsin mechanical, electricalor sanitary plans will not cause the collapse of the building butcancausedamage.3.Responsibilityandliabilityfordamageduetodefectsinthestructuralplansandspecificationsrestsupontheengineerorarchitectwhodrewupandsignedsuch plansandspecifications.defect inwhich had causedthe collapse of thebuilding. 4.Article1723clearlyimpliesthatonlytheengineerorarchitectpreparesstructuralplans and specifications of buildings.Pleasenote however,that sincethe word "ar chitect"isspecific, there is no doubt that thearchitect does prepare structural plansofbuildings.Besides,thearchitecturalandstructuraldesigningofbuildingsisthe practice of architectureasdefined by RA545Sec.14c. However, since theword "engineer"isnotdescribed,itcanrefertocivil,structural,mechanical,electrical,sanitary or other engineer. 5.Since the word "engineer" inArt.1723is not specific, in present practice however, itcanbeimpliedtorefer to a"structural engineer".Astructuralengineeris acivilengineerwhoholdsaspecialtycertificateofregistrationorrecognitionassuch,issued by the Professional Regulation Commission. The word"engineer" therefore in Art.1 7 2 3canbecorrectlydescribedwithoutcontradictionasthestructuralplans andspecifications,and certainlynot anordinary civil engineer.6.Eithertheengineerorarchitectmaysuperviseconstructionandbeheldsolidarityliablewiththecontractor.Againtheword"architect"isspecificwhiletheword "engineer"is not butinpresentpracticemayhoweverbeimpliedtomeanacivil engineerwhopossessesspecialknowledge of supervision or constructionmanage-mentof buildings and holds a PRCcertificate of registration orrecognition assuch. 7.Structural design of buildings may notbequalifiednor limited in scope for either the structural engineeror the architect. The concept is not supported by any existing Jawon universal practice. What is important is that professionalresponsibility and liability is assumed by the structural engineeror architect who prepared and signed the struc-turalplansandspecificationsof the buildings. 8.Although defects inmechanical, electrical, or sanitary or other engineering plans andspecificationswillnotcausethecollapseofthebuilding,damagestothebuilding should be the responsibility andliability of thecorresponding engineer who prepared and signed their respectiveplans andspecifications for the building. These engineersshouldbesolidarilyliablewiththecontractoriftheysupervisetheconstructionoftheir respectivebranches of the work. g.Under Art.1 7 2 3, only onesignatory is requiredfor the plans andspecificationsfor any branchof thework requiredfor the completion of a building.Heis either thear-chitect or corresponding engineer for suchbranch of the work.HIGHER AGENCIESINVOLVEDINSHELTERS;See additional lists on page 41). HOUSINGANDLANDUSEREGULATORYBOARDIHLURBtFormerlythe(HUMANSETTLEMENTSREGULATORYCOMMISSION)!HSRC) Byvirtue of Executive OrderNo.648, the HSRCwas organized to foster the growth andrenewalofurbanandruralcommunities inanintegrativemanner that promotesoptimum. landuse,adequate shelter and environment protection. It istoenforce,im-plement,coordinateandstreamlinelandusepoliciesandregulationsonhumanset-tlements,includingh eimplementationandenforcementof theUrbanLandReformDecree,landvalueandbuilding rentalregulations andother relatedlaws.HOMEDEVELOPMENTMUTUALFUNDHDMF) The HDMF administers the PAG-IBIGfund, a provident savings fund for housing. Iten-titlesPAG-IBIGmemberswhoarepublicandprivateemployeesaswellastheself-employedtohousingloans. NATIONAL HOME MORTGAGE AND FINANCE cORPORATION(NHMFCNHMFC .istaskedwiththegenerationofacontinuingsourceoffundforhousingthroughthesecondarymortgagemarketsystemthatseekstoattractprivatein-vestmentsinto housing. This system takes the risks from private investorswho are in 31 HFC's main functions to attract private sources ofcapital for home financing.It videsmortgagecreditinsurancebyactingas guarantorof individualhomeloans to assure thepayment of saidmortgageloans.It isalsodirectly involvedinprovidingconstruction and development financefor housing. NATIONAL HOUSINGAUTHORITYtNHA) The NHA is the construction agency of the Ministry.It is responsible for undertaking housing developmentandresettlement and for prescribing guidelines andstandards for thereservation , conservation, and utilization of public landsidentified for housing andresettlement. NATIONALHOUSINGCORPORATION(JIJHC) TheNHCisresponsiblefordeveloping,standardizingandmassproducingbuilding materials forhousing and stockpilingof the same gowrnment housing projects. HOMEFINANCINGCORPORATION(HFC) HFC was formerly the Home FinancingCommission created in 1965 by the President Ramon Magsaysay to easethe housing problem.It was revitalized in1979 by dent MarcosthroughExecutive OrderNo.635 which strengthened itsoriginaltionandexpandedits powers to makeit more responsiveto thecountry'sgrowing shelter requirements. LOGBOOK 32TheLogbookofDiversifiedExperienceinArchitectureinvolvesthreegroups:.the Trainees who are prospective examinees, the Mentors who arelicensed architects and the Advisers who arefaculty members fortrainees while still students. Graduates arenotrequiredtohaveadviserswheretraineegraduatedfrom.Eachgroupisgivenspecific guidelinesintheimplementation of the program.Thegeneralobjective is to ensure that those who shall take the licensureexamination for architects have hadsuf-ficientdiversifiedexperiencenecessaryincomp\iancewiththeprovisionsofR.A.645.It also aims to requireall the practicing architects to takeuponthemselves the mentorship of the aspir.ants to the professionas a salient provision of the Architects' of Ethics. Thelogbook includes the rules of training, activity areas, ancillarysub-jects and diversified training forms, which record thediversified experience gained by the trainee. The forms must bedulycertified by thementor andthe adviser. A SPECIFIC RECORD OFDIVERSIFIED EXPERIENCE is required by law to be establish edto thesatisfaction of the Board of Architecture,prior to admission tolicensure ex-amination. Section 18 of RA 545 entitled"Qualification of Applicant for Examination", provides amongothers, that any person applying for examination and for acertificate of regis-tration as architect shall,prior to admissionto examination, establish to the satisfac-tion of the Board that heor she has a ., specific record of at least two years diversifiedexperienceasarchitecturaldraftsman,clerk-of-work,specificationwriterorsuperintendent: provided, however, that anapplicant holding a ihAr-chitecture from a school, college, university or instituterecognized by the Government ortheStateinwhich itisestablished,shallbecreditedone year in his practicalex-perience."The Board of Architecture holds the view that an applicant; inorder to ac-quire the minimumtwoyear diversified experience mustnecessarily ga\n experienceinallworkdesignationForinstance,twoyearspractical perience solelyas specification writer cannot be considered as diversifiedexperience. turn assuredby the NHMFC, thereby ensuring wideparticipation of private financing institutions. Candidates whohave had practicat training and/or experience in other countriesmay be given accreditation according to the requirementsestablished in the logbook or as required by theSoardofArchitecture. Each training and/or experience period must be dulycertified by the mentors or offices where he worked,and mustbesubmitted to the Board of Architecture. Professional RegulationCommission, together with his ap-plicationfor examinati on. TheBoard of Architecture shall determine the equivalent credit hoursof such training and/orexperience,andinno case shall the experiencegained inother countries be credited by more than 2000 hours. Tocomplete the required diversified experience of two years orequivalent of 3840 hours,he is requiredto log at least2000 hours ofdiversifiedexperienceinthe Philippines. The Nati onal CodeforArchitects on the other hand, emphasi ze in no uncertain terms initsUAP OQC.200; .Code of Ethics,that it is the dutyandmoralobligationof an . aspir.ant to the profession."(ArchitectsCode of Ethical Conduct). Pursuant to this, the Board ofArchitecture will require every architect to give training to atleastonetraineeaspirant to the profession.foraminimumperiodoffour(4) monthsforeveryyear.Thiswillafforda greaternumber oftraineestoacqui rethe experience requiredunder several architects.Through time, t he various Boards of Architecturein the pasthave.devised ways and means to enforce h erequirement ondiversified experience and to rationalize and in-stitutionalizeasystem to make therequirement more effectiveandefficient for thebenefit of all concerned. This logbook of Diversified Experience isa result of the reconciliation of anarchitect's moraldutyundertheCodeof EthicalConduct andthe trainee' s obligation toacquirediversifiedexi>erienceandasrequiredbylaw.Thislogbookwhenfaithfullyac-complishedis specif.icand reliable record of diversifiedexperience thatestablishes to the satisfactionoftne Board ofArchitecture,anapplicant' s qualification for admis sion to takethe licensure examination asrequired by law. DATE OFEXAMINATIONExamrnation "shall be given twicea year in the City of Manila andothe! places whereconditionsmaywarrantonthesecondMondays,Tuesdays,andWednesdaysofJanuary and July provided such days do not fall on a holiday, inwhich case the work-ing day followingwill be the day ofexamination."Sincepassingtheexaminationwillleaddirectlytotheissuanceofcertificate.of registrationbythe Board of Architecture andcorporate membershipin the UnitedAr-chitectsofthePhilippines,itisdesignedtotestifthecandidatehasreachedadesirable standard of professional competence and proficiency.OBJECTIVES Of: LtCENSUREEXAMtNATIONa.totestknowledgeofsubjectmatters,intellectualabilitiesandskills,apptication,analysis,synthesis and evaluation; test the studentproficiency in architecture and his knowledge, professionalpractice and ability to apply it; and to reveal his understandingof the ethics and responsibility of the professional; c.toassessthe practicaldiversified experience he has gained.Thearrangementsforadiversifi edtrainingprogramaredesigned toguarantee that the 33 qualifying candidate will not failin llisprofessional responsibilities. The program acts as a complement tothe theoretical knowledge he has learned in school so as to supplythe can didate with the experience which cannot be learned by othermeans. OT Form 001 and OT.Form002areincludedineveryLogbookwhichgivestherulesfortheschemeanddiscusses the varieties of experience encourage. Professionalismunder.(B) involyes a mat-ter of judgment.and the examination isdesigned to reveal a candidate's competence andhisethicalstandardsandcharacter. SYLLABI&CONTENTSOf SUBJECTSOFLICENSINGEXAMINATION FOR ARCHITECTS 1 .ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ANDPLANNING- 40% . Physical&landusePlanning,EnvironmentalPlanning,UrbanPlanning&DesignSpace Planning, Utilllatlon and Programming; Interior Design; SiteDevelopment Plan-ning;Sitef'(anning.SelectionAnalysisandLandscapeArchitecture; Townand.CityPlanning;ArchitecturalDetailing;ArchitecturalProgramming;Com-munityArchitecture;Sub-divisionPlanning;HousingDesign;TropicalDesign;Building Design; Monumental Design; Architectural Design ofEngineering Structures. 2.STRUCTURAL DESIGNAND UTILITIES SYSTEMS-30% ArchitecturalStructures;BuildingTechnology;Concrete;SteelDesign;TimberDesign;TheoryofStructures;StressDiagrams.SoilMechanics;SeismicAnalysisandDesignApplication;Mechanical ,Electrical,Plumbing,Sanitaryand Utilities Systems andEquipment; ArchitecturalLighting; Acoustics and Lighting. 3.ARCHtTECTURAL PRACTICEANDHISTORY OFARCHITECTURE- 30% Specifications; Professional RegulatoryLaws; RA545; PI;>223; LOI1000; National Building Code; FireCode;Zoning Regulations;BP220; PO957(SubdivisionLaw),ProjectFeasibility,Financing.Programming,PromotionalStudies;Estimating;Ar-chitectsNationalCode;StandardsofProfessionalPracticeUAPDoc.201208;Code of Ethical Conduct UAP Doc. 200; Contract Documents andGeneral Conditions UAPDoc.301;DocumentsofUAPOrganization;BuildingMaterials;Systemsand Methods ofConstruction;Construction Management WorksSupervision;Construc-tionAdministration;BuildingAdministration;ConstructionScheduling;HistoryTheory of Architecture;Filipino Architecture;LegaciesandConservation. RATINGSANDPASSING AVERAGE Ageneral average of 70%with no subject lower than50 is . requiredto passthe ex-amination.RE-EXAMINAliON An applicant who for the third consecutive timefails to pass the examination shall not beallowed to take anotheruntil at least one year has eiapsedafter his last examina-tion.A.GUIDANCE NOTES FOR TRAINEES 34 1'.OBJECTIVE Thepurpose ofr.ecording in detail in the logbook the scope and period ofpractical di-versified experience gained is to meet the requirementthat those who shall take the licensure examination for Architectshave hadsufficient diversfied e)(J)8t'ience neces sary anddulyrecorded,in compliance with the provisions of A.A.545.and pertinentto theBoard of ArchitectureResolutions. 2.NEED FORADVISER It isadvisable for the Trainee to choose his own Adviser. The Traineeshall: a.Report to the Advi ser at least once a month to assess andcertify the progress and work or trainingaccomplished. b.NotifytheAdviser of any change of training venue andstatus.3.PLANNINGYOUR TRAINING Inpl anning your bear inmind that therulesand time limits are simplyminimal and intended toguide you into the pattern of training that is li kely toprovemosteffective.butitistheBoardofArchitecturewhowillfinallydecidewhether your practicaltraining hasbeenadequate upon favorablerecommendations by the UAP.The rules are drawn broadly so as toallow for complementary periods of training.4.RANGEOFPROFESSIONALACTIVITIES During the requi redminimum periodof two (2) years (3840 hours) the trainee should. seekopportunitieswhenever possible toparticipate in or at least observethe follow ingactivities.incoordination with his mentor. a.Meetingswith clients,including discussionsoi the brief andproject drawings.b.Preliminary site investigations. meetingwitr. local authorityofticials; c.Preparation of design and production drawing,specifications-and schedul es;d.Meetingwithcontractors.surveyors,structural,mechanical,sanitaryeng"ineersandotherconsultants; e.Pre-contract job management, contract,procedures, correspondence and reports; f.Site visits,site meetingswith members of the constructionindustry; g.Postcompletionprocedures. defects liability inspections and; h .Officeprocedures andNotalltheseactivitiesarealwaysavailablebutadeficiency inyourrecordmaybe treated objectively by the board ofArchitecture provided you may have every effort tocompensatefortheomission.Forinstance,alackofexperienceincontractadministrationwillbemitigatedby adeliberate study in your own timesubjecttothe recommendations of your Adviser. Your aimshouldbetomaximize for educational ends the particular kinds of experiencewhich the mentor is able to provide.5.WORKEXPERIENCEUNDERALLIEDPROFESSIONALS Work experienceunderlicensedalliedprofessionals may be credited provided,these.areunder the supervision of alliedprofessionals concerned. Thescope is obviously very wide and you must ask yourself just howvaluable in each case the experience will be to you from aprofessional view point. Two weeks spent in a constructor's firm asa "checker" in the job site will give a trainee anexcellentap-preci ation of the constructor' swork.Two months would have beenanextravagance. Consult yourAdviser inallsuchcases. /6.QUALITYOFEXPERIENCE TheBoardof Architecturewill beconcernedwiththequality of your experienceas its diversity.Muchwilldependon theway youapproach the job and the con-35 36 fidence you inspire inyour mentor. The aim should be to use each task asaneduca-tionalexerciseaswellasingainingexperience:Ifforinstance,youareaskedtoprepare a contract for asmall house, work out (in your own time) acritical path net-work and compare your forecasts with actualprogress. On the site you should make a slump test and check levelsdimensions and perpendiculars in order to gain experience injudgingtolerancesthatareacceptable.Effectiveinspectionofbuildingwork isa most important fieldof experience to acquire.7.BASIS OFCOMPUTATION OFTRAINING PERIOD Thetotalnumberofhoursthatafulltimetraineewillearnintwo(2)yearsisas follows: Ateight(8lfive(5l forty-eight148) equals 8x5x 48 hourS/day days/week workweeks/year =1,920 hours/ yearor 3,840 hours in two 12)years In nocase, shall the diversified training period be less than a total of3,840 hours. 8.THELOGBOOK Thetrainee must secure a registeredcopyof the official Logbook as approved by theBoardofArchitecture.ProfessionalRegulationCommissionfromtheUnitedArchitectsof thePhilippinesforanamount to cover cost only,dulyapprovedby the Commission.Forrecordsoftrainingandexperiences_inarchitectureandalliedprofessionsthetrainee should-fill up DT form 001citing the synopsis of workcompleted under amen-.tor.ThetraineemustaccomplishDTform002showingasummaryofthetotalnumber of hours required credit for each field of practice. DT form003 must indicate a summary of the training venues, listing thementors and advisers. Should additional forms beneeded, these'canbe obtained from the UAP Secretarial. 9.MATERIALS NECESSARYINTRAININGPROGRAMWhenundergoingtraining,atraineeshouldsupplyhimselfwithhisowndraftingequipmentandmaterialslike, T -squares,triangles,technicalpens,pentelpens,col-ored pencils, tracing papers andothers that are necessary to the execution of work, unlessotherwise offeredby the mentor. 10.DUTIESANDRESPONSIBILITIESOFTHETRAINEE a.To select anAdviser andtoconsult him regularly. b.Toseekplacement with mentors orfirmfordi-versiiieti tra\ning. c.To accomplish the required forms (jfthe Logbook. d.To observe and follow alloffice rules andregulations issuewith rtients. 3.Meetings with localauthorities4.of presentationmaterials,audio-visual aids, scaled models andother pro-motional studies. 5.Preparationof minutesandreports6.Site visitationsandinspections 7.Preparationofarchitecturalandstructuraldesigndocuments.8.Architecturaldraftingandpreparation of contract drawings.9.Materialsselectionandspecificationwriting. 10. costplanning,quantity estimating andcost controlling. 11 .Meetings andbrainstormingwith design team. 1 2 .Conference with building team 13.Officemanagement,generaladministration andprocedures.14.Pre-contract jobmanagement 15.Constructionadministrationandworkssupervisi on.16.Post-Constructionandbuilding operations. These activitiestogether with the list of training canbe utilized as a checklist inmonitoring the practical experienceyouhave gainedduringyour tenureofH U DCC- Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council anoffice mandated to coordi nate and supervise the government'shousing is also tasked with monitoring the perlormanceof thehousingsector,andisalso involvedinr&searchandpolicyformationsand policyadvocacy.The HUDCC administers the government'snational shelter program. Under the HUDCG structure, the SSS, theGSIS, and Pag-lbigare the frontliners. Thls also include the UHLPand HDMF. Below are the key housing agendes, the NHMFC. NHA, HLAB,andHIGC whichare direct HUDCCsupervision. The support agencies arethe DBM, NEDA, DBP, OF. OPWH,andRepresentatives of four privatesector organizations, which may be from SHOA. CAE BA, REBAP ,PAREB. NAR, UAP, etc.) A..FRONTUNERS SSS- Social Security System(coverageintheSSSshallbe compulsaryuponallemployee.snot oversixtyyears of age andtheir employers for the private sector) GSIS-Government Service Insurance System (The insurance systemfor thePublic Sector) PAG-IBIG- Pag-lbig Fund (a provident savings fundfor housing open to most private UHLP- Unified Home Lending Program(This is administered by NHMFC from funds constributed by SSS, HDMFand GSIS) HDMF- Home Development Mutual Fund (The HDMF administersthe Pag-lbig fund, it Pag-lbig members who are public and privateemployees as well as the self-employed to housing loans). 8.KEYHOUSING AGENCIES NHMFC- National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation(The agency mandated to administer mortgage take-outs of buyersoriginated by banks and developers, faced with administrativeproblems in loan processing like shortage of evaluators, andcomputers as wall as power outages. 41 NHMFC is tasked with thegeneration of a continuing aouroe of fund for housing through theseoondary mortgage market system that seeks to attract privateinvestments Into housing. This system takes the risks from privateinvestors who are in HFC's main functions to attract privatesourcfi ofcapitalforhomefinancing.n providesmortgagecreditInsuranceby actingas guarantors of individual home loans toassure the payment of said mortgage loans. ll is also directlyinvolved in providing construction and development finance forhousing. NHA- National Housing Authority (The Af,jeney tasked forthe building dhousing units and residential condominJ-ums. The NHAalso facilitates joint venture projects among landowners,develop-ers, financial institutions and local governments.) It isresponsible for undertak-Inghousing development and resettlementand forprescribing guidelines andstandardsforthereservation,conservation,andutilizationofpubllcIandaidentified for housing and resetttement. HIGC- Home InsuranceGuarantee Corp. (insuring the subdivisions and alsoa lendingentity) HLRB- Housing and Land use Regulatoty Board (Thegovernment's principal regulatory body in housing and landdevelopment.) h is to enforce, implement, coordinate and streamlineland use policies and regu-lations on human settlements, includingthe implementation and enforcement of the Ulban land Reionn Deaee,and value and building rental regulatlons and other relatedlaws.Theapproval of preUminaryandsubdivision schemes and development plansof all subdivisions for residential, commercial industrial andother purposes of the pubtic and private sector, is now beingtransferred to the LGU - (local government units) as per thenewlocal government code. C.SUPPORT AGENCIES OBM- Department of Budgetand Management NEDA- National Economlc and Development AuthorityDBP- Development Bank of the Phifeppines OF- Department of FinanceDPWH- of Public Works and Highways D.PRIVATE SECTOR ORGAHIZAllONSSHDA- Subdivision and Housing Developers Association,Inc. CREBA-Chamber of Realtors and Builders Associaton REBAP- Realtor$andBuilders Association of the Phils. PAREB- Philfppine Associationof Realtorsand Builders NAR- National Association of RealtorsUAPUnited Architects. Phils. E.OTHERS 42 PEAPublic EstatesAuthority (An agency tasked to implement relocation of squatterfamilies.) USAid- United States At;ymc:tj for InternationalDevelopment PADCO- Planning and Development Collaborativeinternational NUOHF- National Urban Development and HousingFramework (The comprehensive development plan urbanand urbanizableareas intended primarily to uplift the conditions of theunderpriveleged and homeless citizens in Urban areas and inresettlement areas. Thisconsist of volumeI formacroframework fornationaldevelopment andhousing,while volume It covers theguidelines for local government units, including town planningguidelines in condensed form, shelter P*tnning guidelines,implementing rules and regulations. NATIONAL BUILDINGCODEIMPLEMENTINGRULES AND REGULATIONS RULE1BUILDINGPERMITAPPLICATIONSA.DEFINITtONS 1 .BUILDING PERMIT- a writtenauthorization granted byBuilding Official toanappli-cant allowing him to proceedwith theconstructionof aspecificproject after plans,specifications,andotherpertinent documents have beenfound tobeinconformity with the National Building Code (PO1 096 and itsimplementing rules and regulations. It includes any or all of t hPermits enumeratedunder Section1 of Rule11 1. {seepage 49B2.CONSTRUCTION- allon-site work done from sitepreparation,excavation,founda-tion;assemblyofallthecomponentsandinstallationof utilities andequipmentsofbuilding/structures. 3.ERECTION- Installation in placeof componentsof a building/structures. 4.ADDITION- Any new construction whichincreases the height or area of an existing building/structures.5.AlTERATION-constructioninabuilding/structureinvolvingchangesinthematerialsused,partitioning,location/sizeofopenings,structuralparts,existingutilitiesandequipment but does not increase the overall areathereof. 6.RENOVATION- Anyphysicalchangemadeonabuilding/structuretoincrease its value, utility and/or to improve itsaestheticquality. 7.CONVERSION- a change in the useor occupancy ofa building/structure or any por-tion/s, thereof which has differentrequirements. B.REPAIR-Remedialworkdoneonanydamagedordeterioratedportionlsofabuilding/structure to restore its originalcondition. 9.MOVING-Thetransfer of abuilding/structure or portion/s thereof from itsoriginal location or positionto another,eitherwithinthesame lot orto a different one. 10.DEMOLITION-Thesystematicdismantlingordestructionofabuilding/structure. inwholeor in part. 11 .ANCILLARY BUILDING/STRUCTURE- a secondarybuilding/structure located within the same premises the use ofwhich is incidental to that of the main building/structure.B.BUilDINGPERMITS: 44 No person, firm, or corporation, includingany agency or instrumentality of the government shall erect,construct, alter. repair,move, convert, or demolish any buildingorstructure or causethesametobedonewithoutfirstobtainingabuildingpermitthereforefromthe Building Officialassigned in the place where the subject building is located or thebuilding work is to bedone. However, a building permit shall not berequired for the following constructions and-repairs: provided thatsaid constructions or repairs shall not violate any provisions ofthe Code and its implementing Rulesand Regulations: a.MinorConstructions: 1.Sheds,outhoiJses.greenhouses,children'splayhouses,aviaries.poultryhousesandthelike.notexceeding6sq.m.floorarea,providedtheyarecompletelydetached from any other building and are i n t e n d donly forthe private use of the owner. 2.Additionof openterraces or patiosresting directly on the ground,not exceeding 20sq.m.infloorarea.exclusivelyfor the private use of the owner.3.Installation of Window grilles. 4.Gardenpoolsforthecultivationofwaterplantsand/oraquariumfishesnot ex-ceeding500 millimeter {0.50m) height,cementing,of footpaths, gardenwalks and/or driveways.b.Repairs: 1 .Repairworksnotaffectingorinvolvinganystructuralmember,suchasreplace-ment ofdeteriorated roofing sheets or tiles, gutters, downspouts, fascias,ceilings and/or sidings. 2.Repairof non-loadbearing partitionwalls. 3.Repairsof anyinterior portion of ahouse not involvingaddition or alteration. 4.Repair and/or replacement of windowandfloorings. 5.Repairof perimeterfenceandwalls.6.Repairand/orreplacementof sanitaryor plumbingfixtures,suchastoiletbowlsandcisterns,urinalsandbidettes.pipes.fc.ucets,valves,waterpumpsand/ortanks. 7.Repair or replacement of faulty or deteriorated wiringdevices, fixtures and safety devices, provided that no alterationshall be made on the service entrance and the main switch orbreaker,andthat no additional circuits shallbeadded. C.REQU,REMENTSAny person desiring to obtain a building permit shall file anapplication therefore in writing andon the prescribed form.( 490,492 and4941 1.Together with the accomplishedapplicationform the following shall besubmitted to the office oftheBuildingOfficial: a.ln casethe applicant is the reg)steredownerof the lot. 1 .Certifiedtrue copy of TCT(Title) 2.TaxDeclaration3.Current realproperty taxreceipts(allxeroxed in3copies! b.Incasethe applicant is not theregisteredowner of the lot. 1 .Dulynotarized copy of the contract of lease or 2.Duly notarizedcopy ofthe DeedofAbsolute Sale,or 3.Dulynotarized copy of the contract ofsale. Five(5)sets of plans and Specifications,andBillofMaterials,Prepared,signed and sealed.{seepage4601 a.byadulylicensed architect in caseof architectural. a dulylicensed civil engineer for structuralplans. a duly licensedelectrical engineer, in caseof electrical plans.d.byadulylicensedsanitaryengineerormasterplumber,incaseofplumbingor 45 sanitaryinstallation plans. a duly licensedprofessional mechanical engineer, in case of mechanical plans.2.TheBuildingpermitfQrmsshaltbeaccomplishedands\gnedbytheArchitectwhopreparedthe plans and also the architect who will be in charge ofthe construction. The owner shall also sign the form.(see page 490)3.The application for electrical permit form shall be duly filledup and bear the signature of 'the Electrical Engineer who preparedthe Electr ical plan and also the signature of the ElectricalEngineer who is in chargeof the installation. fseepage4921 4.Theapplication for plumbing/sanitary forms shall bear the signature ofthe sanitary or master plumber who prepared the plumbing plans andthe signature of the plumber in charge of theplumbinginstallations.(seepage 494l 5.Logbook tseepage 521NOTE:PlansandSpecifications shall not be required f or:a)Trapmentshowingpositionofbuildinginrelationtolot,existingbuildings within and adjoining the lot shall be hatched anddistances between the proposedand existing,buildings shall beindicated. c.PERSPECTIVE d.Floor Plans at scale of not less than1:100 m for a small residence. a scale of 1:50 is good.e.ELEVATIONS- at least four(4) f.Sections- at least two(21g.Foundation Planat scale1 :100 or more h.Floor- framing Plani.Roof- framingPlan j.Details of Footing/Column at anyconvenientscale. k.Detailsof StructuralMembers,likestairs. I.Balconies,Trusaes,Beams. etc. arch'l details like closets,cabinets etc.5.2STRUCTURALENGINEERINGDOCUMENTS:a.Designanalysisshallberequiredforallbuildingsorstructuresexceptforthefollowing. 1 .Traditionalindigenous family dwellings 2.Singledetached residential buildings with a total floor area up to 20.00sq. m.b.BoringandPlateLoadTests(SoilClassification)requiredonlyforbuildingsorstructures of four (4) stories and higher: 47 48 PER.SPC:C.i\VE.SEC. 25RA545 Drawings and specifications duly signed, sealed orstamped, asinstruments of service.are the property and documents ofthe architect , whether the object for which they are made isornot. It shall be unlawful for anyperson,without theconsent of thearchitect or author of said duplicate or to makecopies of said documents for use in the repetlti011 of and forother projects or buildings, whether executed partly or in whole... EOFC..ONTS:NI.S \l.EPUF$LIC.Of-rl;E PHILIPPINES OFCl.J!'1UC.V..ORKS ItCOMM 'S. C.RIPT! 0f'l

George Salvan Architectural Building 11



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