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Sound Canvas VA: The Ultimate Software Synthesizer for Windows with Over 1,600 High-Quality Sounds

When the program started, first click on the 'Device Settings...' menu. It's the cogwheel icon at the left side of the program's window.A new window opens up. At the top you can see 'Midi Out' options.Under it you can see 'Midi In' options. First tick the 'Active' checkbox to activate the MIDI input. Now you can change the 'Input Port' to 'Midi Through Port-0'Check the checkbox at 'Midi Out' called 'Use Bass (Soundfont/VSTi)' and it will extend the window to the right.You can see a lot of new options.At almost the bottom you can see 'Output Mode'. Change it to 'WASAPI (Vista/7/8/10)'. This is very important! The default is 'Directsound', so make sure you changed it to WASAPI!Click 'OK', it will close the window.

sound canvas va windows zip

You have to set up some VST host to play MIDI using this synth. It can be your favorite player, but you need to find a plugin, which allows to play MIDI files through VSTi. Some instructions are provided below. Use the bi2_polkovnik.mid (35KB) for checking your setup, it has to sound exactly as the bi2_polkovnik_syxg50.ogg (2.0MB).

that was perfect.First of all, my English is not good. I have used Google Translator.Hi, you changed our world. I hope your world will be better.This software was really good with the YXG voice bank. You have revived my memories. Still YXG's abilities have not been shown to all people.It's very good if all YXG functionality can be used.It was almost like the original YXG sound. But does it have all the facilities?A yamaha soft synthesizer or SF2 or VST with all its capabilities. i mean the following parameters: syx, rpn, ntpn, cc, pg, msn, lsb, ... ?Thank you for your great and exact workThank you for providing this software.And also because you read this text with patience and care.

bi2_polkovnik.mid sounds good (in XGWorks), but it has the Variation effect block connected as a insertion effect. I want to use the Variation effect block as a third system effect, with the FX send controlled with the Midi CC 94. It works if I use Yamaha XGWorks software with S-YXG50 as a midi driver.But I can't get it to work in another DAW with the VST plugin, even if I export the XGWorks song as a midi file that contains all the sysex to set the Variation effect block in System mode.Isn't the "Variation" checkbox in the S-YXG50 plugin's settings a way to set the Variation effect block in System mode ?

Thanks! Didn't even realize this was an option, very handy for more authentic General MIDI emulation in DOSBox, sounds really good with the games I tested it with, better than anything else I've tried imo imo including soundfonts, volume of course is more balanced too because of it being a proper ROM.

Oddly it seems that setting XGLite to 2 in syxg50.ini appears to change some sounds, such as the Cuíca. For a while I thought that was a difference in the synth that was associated with SGP.DLL, but it turns out that isn't the case. :)

It is a fan-made version of Yamaha S-YXG50 with sound bank based on the data from the Yamaha YMF-724 driver. It is made by Wlad. Size of the bank is increased synthetically using interpolation. But I would prefer to have original sound data from YMF-724 driver without interpolation.

I was able to get Foobar running with the plugin and it sounds great. I would like to get setup with the plugin as a Windows Midi driver. I am running Windows 10 v. 1909, and I tried to get it set up using the VST midi driver, but was not able to get any sound using the driver. I also tried using the CoolSoft MIDImapper to specify the default Midi device, but no luck. Any idea if this is still possible on the newest Windows versions?

After all those years I still use Timidity++ with EAWPats. I only found a handful of MIDIs during that time that really need an SC-55 sound font to not sound broken - for those there's GZDoom's $mididevice option to define something better fitting. ;)

It could theoretically be used with any sound font, had Microsoft not chosen to use a soundfont format that isn't supported by anything else in the world, FmodEx excluded, meaning there's almost no alternative sound fonts being made on it. This makes some people believe that the player and its sole sound font are the same thing, which they are not.

EDIT: For the love of Gord, if your device asks for a custom soundfont for the Doom tracks, please hear them the way they were meant to be heard. Here's a soundfont that is identical to the stock Windows MIDI sound.

Nope. Besides the samples being lower quality, many of the instruments sound different, such as the Distortion Guitar. Only the physical SC-55 sounds exactly like "SC-55".You can hear a real SC-55 compared with Virtual Sound Canvas here (MS Synth and VSC share most of the same samples):

A well known example of this is the music in TNT Evilution MAP02 which had incorrect volume settings and made it sound like shit if the synth couldn't cope with the bad values it got. AFAIK most ports have fixed this on their side now by clamping the bad value before passing it on.

Nope. Besides the samples being lower quality, many of the instruments sound different, such as the Distortion Guitar. Only the physical SC-55 sounds exactly like "SC-55".You can hear a real SC-55 compared with Virtual Sound Canvas here (MS Synth and VSC share most of the same samples):

So the Virtual Sound Canvas is the one that makes any midi sound perfectly the same as if it was played on Roland SC-55?? So much perfectly identical that it would sound exactly like the "Real SC-55" from the video the user TheUltimateDoomer666 provided?

Creating a software version of a synth that sounds "perfectly the same" as the hardware version is a lot harder than you think, not just for the SC-55 but for any synth in general. There are certain aspects of physical sound hardware that simply cannot be replicated with software alone.

There will never be a software version of the SC-55 that sounds 100% identical to the hardware in every way because it is just not possible. Not only that, there are different models of SC-55 units which have slightly different specs. The original SC-55 for example has an output resolution of 16-bits @ 32 kHz, whereas the later SC-55mkII has an output resolution of 18-bit @ 32 kHz.

That's probably the fixed version of Patch93's SC-55 soundfont, judging by the URL. I don't know if it has other modifications apart from working correctly in newer versions of ZDoom with Fluidsynth though.

I don't think any emulation or soundfont is ever going to match the original, real hardware 100%. If you absolutely must have perfect accuracy, you're probably better off buying an SC-55 device instead.

I did an extensive comparison of the running game's soundtrack against hardware SC-55 recordings. I listened for about half a minute to the in-game soundtrack, then paused the game and switched to SC-55 recording for comparison; then paused the track, switched back to the game, and unpaused it, so the track selected there would continue to play.

On YouTube, there are some software recordings based on an older SC-55 soundfont as well as there are recordings done on an SC-88 in SC-55 mode and some that were done on an SC-55 Mk. II. ... Those are not the tracks you're looking for. They will always sound different from the original SC-55 Mk. I, even the Mk. II will. Just stick to the recordings from (as linked in the paragraph above).

Now, in order to use custom soundfonts with your system, you will need CoolSoft's VirtualMIDISynth and MIDIMapper Configurator. Install those tools, then load the soundfont in VMS under Configuration > Soundfonts (right-click on the tray icon for the menu). It's all pretty self-explanatory in the program window.

Wow, thanks for your effort! So from your own experience, this PC software SC-55 does indeed sound exactly like "real" hardware Roland PC-55? At least, would you tell if both did play the "silent" instruments the proper - intended way, like shown in the video that the user TheUltimateDoomer666 provided to us a few posts above?

It's not as easy for me as you make it think... Considering I have zero knowledge about how midi players, their soundfonts and theirs softwares are working, I'm pretty much learning absolutely new things right this moment, it's very hard to follow your thoughts; and the fact the software I download uses different language than English is not helping it either... In fact, I had to google your abbreviations a few times in google to find no results just to realize after 10 minutes that what you mean by "VMS" is SEEM to stand for VirtualMIDISynth and MMC is MIDIMapper Configurator, lol. 2ff7e9595c

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